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User blog: Lanka Academy

IELTS For Your Career Goals

IELTS for career goalsAs English language testing system tends to play a major role in the international study, work and migration, IELTS test are one of the popular ways to hit the above-mentioned goals. In this article, we will discuss about IELTS for career and how it will sha...

What are the Different Types of Education?

Do the teachings from everyday experiences count as education or schools are the only places to attain it? The importance of Education is not only limited to the four walls of a classroom but can be explored through various other platforms and self-learning. Even though academic insti...

10 Effective Study Techniques to Try

Is your current study method reading a textbook repeatedly, hoping something will stick? If so, do you find yourself stressed out because you can’t memorize such a vast quantity of information in such a short time?As a grad student, it’s imperative to develop effective time management ...


Choosing what kind of career to have in the future is an important life decision. More often than not, the career you’ll choose will be the basis for your course or major in college, and the organizations you’ll join while studying. As much as possible, you want your academic life to become the ...

How to make higher education more interesting and simpler than ever before

Education is meant to enlighten, ignite the imagination, create well-rounded citizens and a happy and prosperous society. It is meant to serve a loftier purpose than merely preparing students for careers that reward them financially. While preparing students for careers is one reason why education i...

8 Benefits of Meditation for Students

Meditation is very important for every student's mind. When you regular put meditation into your daily Routine, you can improve your concentration in studies that what you were and now what you are. You will see improvements in your health and also in your academic performance. For meditation regula...

The Benefits Of Education For Every Individual – How It Helps People Prosper

Education includes everything we are being taught and everything we learn in life, no matter the tools we are provided to achieve that goal. Family, school, and college are only some of the factors that can play a critical role in delivering to us facts about life that are important to help us survi...

After IELTS What's Next After IELTS What’s Next: Study, Work, or Immigration, What’s Your Card?

IELTS is also known as the International English testing system. It is a popular and worldwide English proficiency test. British Council, Cambridge English Assessment and IDP Education Australia jointly own it.Candidates who want to study or work in English-speaking countries take IELTS. It tests th...

5 Trends in Education that continue in 2022

Society and the professional world continue to evolve and change with the growth of technology and the beginning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This, in turn, has had a tremendous impact on the educational sphere, leading to a number of growing trends in the world of education. For educators t...

Artificial Intelligence in education – How it improves the learning experience?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now a part of our lives whether we know it or not, and whether we accept it or not. It has risen to such a status over the years in a slow but steady manner. Everything that we do like buying clothes and shoes on the internet as well as watching shows on TV is influen...