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Blog entry by Lanka Academy

Education: The gift of a lifetime

Education: The gift of a lifetime

Education is our greatest opportunity to give an irrevocable gift to the next generation.

Education is the process where an individual learns information so that he/she can use it to enhance his/her abilities for his/her future. It answers all the questions that we have. It enhances our skills. It also tells us about our past and its story. Most importantly, it is our valued treasure. This treasure is the only thing in our life that cannot be stolen. Our parents spend a lot of money for us to be educated and they know that it is all worth it. When we die, we cannot bring all the earthly things in Heaven, but I believe that we can bring what we have learned while we are still on earth. We should share to other people the knowledge that we have learned so that they can also share it to the generations to come.

Education is indeed the most precious treasure that any of us can have. Once we have been educated, it is now up to us how we will use and treasure it. It needs a lot of perseverance and concentration so that we can be educated. It will take us lots of time to develop our skills, which are all part of achieving god education. If we have been educated, it is not impossible to reach our goals, dreams and ambitions in life.

Education does not have any hindrances as long as we are willing and eager to learn and give our attention to it. We need to sacrifice a lot and keep in our minds that it is for our own good and for our future. We need to have goals, dreams and ambitions in life so as not to waste our time in not so important things.

As long as we are willing to pursue our dreams, it is not impossible to reach it. There are lots of options for us to choose from and all we have to do is to work hard, sincerely and seriously. We need to work hard so that we can mold ourselves into competitive and knowledgeable individuals in the future. Money should not be an issue for this matter because it is your will that counts which help you predict your own future.

We must remember that education is the most precious gift that one could ever have. Education is the only treasure that cannot be stolen from us.

Source : 
Ms.Jemi Sudhakar

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